Metal buttons through the ages

Buttons are a fascinating subject as most things are if you take the time to look a little deeper. There are a myriad of different types and materials used, and probably more than any other commonly found artefact,  can tell you a lot about the status and life of the original owner.

As detectorists, we probably find more old metal buttons and fasteners than anything else. A lot of them will be just plain metal discs, so it’s always a pleasure to find one that’s a bit special.  Some are obviously quite old. But just how old? Below is a rough guide to British metal buttons through the ages, which will help you put a date and period to your finds. For more detailed information and resources visit


Iron age buttons.

800 BC –  43 AD

  Roman button2  Roman button1

Roman button3  Roman button2  Roman button1



Roman buttons

43 AD – 410 AD

Roman button3  Roman button2  Roman button1


Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1



 Saxon & Viking buttons.

410 AD – 1066 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1



Medieval buttons

1153 AD – 1485 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1



Tudor buttons

1485 AD – 1603 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1



Stuart buttons

1603 AD – 1714 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1



  Georgian  buttons

1714 AD – 1837 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1



Victorian buttons

1837 AD – 1901 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1




Edwardian buttons

1901 AD – 1910 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1




Early modern buttons

 1910 AD -1950 AD

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1



Modern buttons

1950 AD – Present day

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

Roman button3      Roman button2      Roman button1

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